4 Major Benefits of Green Tea for your health

4 Major Benefits of Green Tea for your health

green tea

  Modern society has made life easier with all the technology, but at what cost? It is becoming harder to find products good without dangerous components that present risks for our health; medicinal pills are no exception.

  Since the ancient times plants and extracts are used in a medicinal way; and nowadays, people are starting to look back at the old days when natural ways of treatment were used effectively and the health benefits of green tea were well known, in a vast range of health problems.

  If you are one of those persons looking for healthy alternatives, I bet you have already heard about the health benefits green tea can have on your weight loss goals and what it can do for you , no doubt that green tea good for you . 

  Teas are not only a tasty beverage but they are also effective on the treatment of free radicals that occur through diets and even current lifestyles. Green tea, as an example, is well known for helping to improve general health and prevent some deceases.

What are the benefits of green tea?

1.Skin benefits

  Green Tea is claimed to help with skin problems such as eczema and acne. It is almost as effective as skin toners if applied directly to the skin along with other products. If ingested, Green Tea will help reduce the appearance of acne;

2.Teeth benefits

  Green Tea helps prevent tooth decay, adds strength to the gums and teeth; it also decreases the appearance of plaque. This is because green tea contains natural fluoride in its composition;

3.Cholesterol benefits

  Due to his amount of antioxidants, green tea prevents bad cholesterol levels from turning into plaques that may clog your arteries. That alone decreases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Drinking green tea regularly will have a positive impact in your cholesterol and also be effective treating inflammatory tissue.

4.Weight Loss benefits

  Recent researches discovered green tea true weight loss capabilities. It has been considered an effective way to burn fat and raise the metabolism, with no side effects whatsoever. This is one of the best known benefits of green tea.

  Green Tea is becoming more and more popular not only as a natural weight loss aid, but also because of what it can do for your general health. If you are considering all the benefits of green tea or even integrating it in your diet and exercise plans, you should definitively